Hi - I'm Anastasia!
Hi! I'm Anastasia (the passionate designer behind the brand)!
It all starts with a sketch in my notebook, and ends with dozens of YOUR stunning creations from around the world - made following our carefully crafted patterns!

This is Cookie!
(the real brains behind the operation ... or so she claims!)
Cookie is always there, providing emotional support for every stitch crocheted, every pattern typed and every ball of yarn unraveled (she's especially great at this one!).
About Crochet With Cookie!
It all started with a roll of yarn I found in my parents' garage and some old metal crochet hooks someone gifted my mom (many years ago), and of course - dozens of youtube tutorials!
Now, Crochet With Cookie is the place where I get to share my very own crochet clothing designs and patterns with all of YOU (and the WORLD - it's surreal really..).
I started off with thrifted yarn, those gifted aluminum hooks and me trying and testing tons and tons of different crochet patterns. I liked lots of them, but lots of them I found the sizing to be complex for an absolute beginner to make sense of, or I found that the fit wasn't quite exactly what I wanted, or maybe the garment wasn't quirky enough. All of these reasons are why I started crocheting freehand garments (or disasters - whatever you prefer to call them). Then eventually (after hours of crocheting and frogging) got the hang of those and leveled up their quirkiness to my liking, perfected their sizing (at least to my own body) and really started to explore my creativity through them.
Then, the instagram began... I started sharing those freehand pieces with the world - and the world... liked them???? Haha WHAT. Anddd that. is how my pattern writing journey began!
Now, I focus on creating easy to follow, quirky, cute, and size-inclusive crochet clothing patterns - to help you craft your very own dream crochet closet!
With each pattern you buy, and each stitch you crochet - you are supporting not only my small crochet business... but my dream (haha cheesy YES, but TRUE!!).
Anyways, none of it is possible without the support of new crochet friends from all around the world, and our beautiful crochet community!!
I love you all, and can't wait to keep sharing the innermost creatives of my brain haha.